Parrot Care

Washing Parrots by Spraying
Never give the birds a shower, a tankard, etc. Bathing should not be done by pouring water. Water pouring from the top causes infection by escaping from the nostrils to the sinuses and respiratory system. Hair needs to be moistened regularly for health reasons. The most suitable technique for this is spraying.
The suitable time for spraying is at noon. Especially on days when the weather is cold, care should be taken that the parrot does not stay wet in the evening. All food containers in the cage are removed. By filling the spray container with warm water, water is sprayed on the parrot in an inclined manner, not sprayed directly on it. The bottom of the cage is cleaned, the perches are dried, and the parrot is left to rest. It is repeated according to the temperature of the air.

Nail and Beak Trimming
Tırnakların fazla uzamaması için, tünekler yeterli kalınlıkta olmalıdır. Tünek haricinde papağanın kabuklu ağaç dallarına tırmanması sağlanmalıdır. In nature, it prevents excessive elongation by rubbing its nails on tree bark.
The normal length of the nails should not exceed 4/1 of a circle. If it is longer than normal or if there is an abnormal growth in the nail, it is absolutely necessary to cut it. With nail clippers, a small section of the tip is shortened. If the excess content is cut, bleeding occurs due to damage to the blood vessel. In this case, the nail is pressed and buffered and bleeding is stopped.
The beak contains many blood vessels and nerves. When cut incorrectly, great pain and hard-to-stop bleeding can occur for the bird. A rasp is used for minor corrections in the beak. If there is excessive elongation, it is cut from the tip with nail clippers and corrected with a nail file. Care should be taken not to damage the tongue during these procedures.