150 Parrots Seized in New Delhi
Runaway Parrot News
New Delhi Northeast District Police, with the help of PDF (Animal Protection Organization) staff, is located in Seelampur, in the area east of New Delhi, for approx. He captured 150 parrots. On the subject, the person who illegally trades parrots has been arrested. According to the statement made by PDF employees; Most of the parrots found in Africa and Asia are ringed parrots (Psittacula Krameri). Especially those living in Asia and listed in the Endangered Species Conservation Act (Article 4) in India. It consists of Alexander’s Parrot(Psittacula Eupatria) species. 3 pairs of birds are in the rare species group. But their names have not been determined exactly. It has been examined by experts. She regretfully added that they found 150 smuggled parrots imprisoned in 2 cages in a house in the aforementioned region. Their fields are so narrow; The poor people, stacked on top of each other, caused involuntary injuries while huddled together.
Parrot Trade
PDF employees; He handed over 35 smuggled parrots, which were not damaged, to the Seelampur police officers. The remaining birds were immediately transferred to an avian treatment center so that they could be treated. According to the statement made by the employees later; Unfortunately, 40 parrots could not survive due to the unhealthy conditions they were in. The care and treatment of others continues. In the research carried out in the house where the parrots were caught, many cages were found hanging on the walls and containing bait residues. Thus, it was determined that this trade was made from here.
In this regard, the police reported the incident to the judiciary as a violation of the 1972./AK/(2) species protection law.
(1) PFA = People for Animals; animal protection organization. It was established in 1996 in Bangalore, the capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka.
Runaway Parrots
The Wild Life Protection Act 1972 was passed by the Indian government in 1972 to prevent and control wild hunting and illegal animal trade. In 2003, the scope of punishment in this law was further aggravated in case of violation with some amendments. The said law consists of 6 articles. These include the issue of punishment according to the steps of the crime committed.