What We Don’t Know About Parrots
We have compiled information about the parrot for you.
Interesting Facts About Parrots
- More parrots live in captivity than in nature,
- Many parrots change their owner (environment, home) at least 5 times in their lifetime.
- Many parrots can have a longer life expectancy than their owners,
- In parrots; knowing and experiencing feelings of love, hate, jealousy, etc.,
- That parrots always need a companion of their own kind in life,
- “Parrot allergy” may appear suddenly in people,
- At least 2 parrots died (if not more) during the difficult journey made by them so that you can have your parrot,
General Information About Parrots
- Your parrot needs a total of 8 hours of attention a day,
- of parrots; Among the avian family, it is the closest to extinction group (many parrot species are extinct),
- Parrots (uniquely fed) are louder and louder than usual in spring, in order to call a mate of their own kind, who may never come,
- When parrots do not have a mate of their own kind, they necessarily put humans “in the place of spouses” and we think that this is “domestication”,
- The problematic period begins with the owners when the parrot completes adulthood and its sexual identity begins to emerge 3-4 years after it is taken (especially in those who are young or puppies),
- If the right environmental conditions are set, the parrots can live very comfortably in the outside in the winter months,
- Approximately 70% of parrots have breathing problems (due to dust accumulation in the lungs over time) from being kept in a dry air (non-humid) environment (such as inside houses and rooms),
- If parrots have severe feather plucking, it takes about 2 years for these feathers to fully reorganize, if you succeed.
- Parrots choose their mates according to their own character structure and always remain loyal to them,
Information About Parrots
- About 10 out of 100 parrots can learn to speak,
- Papağanların birçoğunda, konuşma kabiliyetlerinin, çevrede gelişen hareket ve sesleri taklit dürtüsü ile tetiklendiğini ve genelde kelime öğrenme kapasitelerinin yaklaşık 10 kelime ile sınırlı olduğunu,
- Many of the parrots, just like us humans, die by being exposed to diseases that develop as a result of a comfortable life such as excessive fat, less movement, stress, etc.,
- Most of the parrots live in cages for their entire life, being imprisoned in a 3/4 ㎡ area, which is equivalent to forcing a person to live in a toilet-wide area for the first 30-40 years of their life,
All About Parrots
- In case of excessive plucking of parrots, if there is no other disease inside, their only concern is to try to tell you how unhappy and lonely they are in captivity,
- For parrots, until recently, there were no feeds specially prepared to meet their needs,
- Although it is forbidden to keep monkeys by normal people only because of their appearance and abilities, it is not clear why parrots that are kept for the same reasons can still be accepted as pets,
- The value of parrots varies between 100 and 50.00 euros, and this currency drives many people to smuggling in this area, and many people earn income from this illegal way,
Did you know about the parrot?
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