Is Corona Virus Transmitted From Animals?
Coronavirus is one of the viruses that existed before but mutated and is encountered as COVID-19 today and affects the whole world. The danger dimension of the virus, which targets the respiratory tract in particular, is at this point. After the incubation period, COVID-19, which shows its symptoms intensifying, ends the breathing function after respiratory difficulty and causes people to die by suffocation.
How is the Coronavirus Transmitted?
The new coronavirus, or COVID-19, is transmitted by droplets like other existing viruses. The primary affected organ is the lungs, as it is transmitted by droplets. Respiratory transmission is the inhalation of viruses spread around the person coughing, sneezing, laughing, talking during close contact. Droplets dispersed in the middle settle on the mucosa of healthy people and cause disease. Therefore, this virus can be easily picked up from a distance of 1 meter from the diseased person.
Novel Coronavirus COVID – 19 What Are the Symptoms?
First of all, it shows symptoms resembling a flu infection, runny nose, cough, sore throat and one of the most prominent features is fever. However, the difference of COVID-19 from other Corona viruses is that it has an incubation period of 14 days. Symptoms appear for 5 or 6 days, and for 14 days, the patient is in serious danger of life. However, it is also known that if the patient’s immune system is strong, she can overcome and overcome this disease. The virus and its deaths, which generally target people over the age of 65, are more common in people over the age of 65. Because people in this age group have a low immune system and are not in a position to fight the virus, it is seen that the death rate is high in these age groups.
First of all, Pay Attention to Fever Cough and Respiratory Difficulty
Although every fever, cough and shortness of breath is not a coronavirus, that is, COVID -19, its symptoms are common. The presence of one or three of them in the same person raises the suspicion of COVID-19. In some cases, it is one of the viruses that seriously affect the digestive system in the form of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Does Corona Virus Transmit from Animal to Human?
Although there is no clear information about the Corona virus, since the Corona virus is still very new today, veterinarians report that there are no sample cases transmitted from animals to humans. Therefore, it is known that there is no case of the Corona virus passing from animal to human. However, it is enough for people who keep pets to comply with the hygiene rules for protection. In the statements about the animals published, it is known that the Corona virus is encountered in dogs, but it is not transmitted to humans. The most important feature of the COVID-19 virus is that it is transmitted from person to person.
People Suspected of Coronavirus Need to Pay Attention
Although the information that the Corona virus is not transmitted from animal to human is currently limited, people with suspected coronavirus should especially stay away from pets. They must strictly follow certain rules, feed them without getting too close to the animals, not touch their excess belongings, and wash their hands with soap after contact with animals.
It is known that a dog was tested for Corona virus in China, where the epidemic started, and the test was positive. However, even though the test of the tested dog was positive, it was also stated by scientists that it did not pose a threat to humans. Therefore, it is currently known that Corona COVID -19 is not large enough to affect animals.
Is Corona Virus Transmitted from Humans to Pets?
Today and in the world, the new coronavirus, namely COVID-19, is being researched by many scientists and the results of each research are shared with the countries of the world. One of the questions people are most curious about is how much people who have pets at home are under threat from the virus. It is known that the virus can be transmitted from humans to cats and dogs. Because the virus is active. It can be transmitted to animals, but animals do not infect humans by blocking the virus. At the same time, it is known that the virus that animals receive does not turn into a disease.
Hygiene and Care of Pets
It is especially important for people who have pets at home to follow the hygiene rules a little more than normal conditions. It is recommended to clean the animals with a comb and brush, remove their dead hair and wash them with animal shampoos. It should also be known from the result that there is no possibility of the danger to pass from person to person, from animal to human, from person to animal, as long as hygiene and cleanliness are paid attention to under normal conditions. All viruses, not just new types of corona viruses, are organisms that are usually transmitted by droplets. It is not possible to transmit any virus, including COVID – 19, as long as the hygiene rules and cleaning rules are followed to a minimum, as long as the rules to stay away from crowded environments are followed.
Should We Worry About Animals?
It is known that many people who have pets at home are worried about their animals or about the possibility of infecting them in case of animals. However, looking at the results of the research to date, it is known that pets do not transmit this disease to humans, even if they carry this disease. In some cases, it is wrong for people to put their healthy animals out on the street by wearing masks, assuming they are taking the right precautions. Because if it is not right for a healthy person to wear a mask, it is not right for animals to wear it. The mask prevents breathing, creates stress and panic. Therefore, it is not healthy for healthy people and animals to walk around wearing masks. The most correct precaution to be taken in this regard is to show the same care to our animals as we show ourselves. Washing hands with soap and plenty of water after close contact with animals and not approaching the animals too much when not necessary is sufficient for precaution.