Czechoslovakian Budgerigar
Budgerigars are creatures that are very popular in Turkish society and admired for their cuteness. For this reason, most households have budgies. Among the budgies, the Czechoslovak budgie is one of the most preferred birds in our country. They are easy-care and sympathetic creatures. At the same time, they are preferred because they are affordable in terms of price.
budgie Czechoslovakian
The Czechoslovakian budgerigar, which has different colors, has a wider and larger body compared to other budgies. Therefore, their life in a medium-sized cage would be more accurate. They are taller than other budgies. Therefore, they are more beautiful and aesthetic creatures. While females are calmer than males, males are more active and active. They carry a very popular and innocent face image. When they warm to their owners and adopt them, they walk around on their hands.
Czechoslovak Budgerigar Price
The price of Czechoslovak budgerigar, which is produced more than other budgies in our country, is also cheaper in this regard. They carry prices between 50 lira and 75 lira. Czechoslovakian budgerigars, which are quite beautiful and healthy, fall into a friendly group of birds. There will be a price difference between a healthy bird and a less well-kept bird. This detail should not be overlooked when purchasing a Czechoslovakian budgerigar.
Czechoslovak Budgerigar Mating
As with all budgerigars, some conditions should be considered during the mating of Czechoslovak budgies. For a Czechoslovakian budgerigar whose mating time has come, first of all, mate selection should be made. Females of Czech budgies are very passive in this area. For this reason, you can choose a mate for a Czech budgie that cannot choose a mate. A female who wants to mate will mate when she stays in the same cage with her partner for a week.
During this period, removing toys such as swings and mirrors in the cage will help them to concentrate. In this way, the birds will enter their nests and mate. However, during this period, it would be wrong not to pay much attention to them and to embarrass them. During this period, they should be given egg food and vitamin D foods. During this period, they should be given egg food and vitamin D foods.
Czechoslovak Budgie Cub
Baby Czechoslovakian budgerigar care should be done with care and care. As with all budgies, you should raise Czech budgies with care and loving attitudes. You should take care that the place you choose for the budgerigar cage is not a place where there is constant air circulation. Czech budgies and their offspring should never be left in drafts.
Czech budgie puppies are animals that love to be clean, just like other birds. It will be very good if you buy a bath or bath tub especially for these budgies in the cage. Whenever they wish, they will go to their own bathrooms to wash and clean themselves. Czechoslovakian budgies are suitable for parasite formation. Therefore, it is necessary to protect them from parasites. Since their hair is long, they are disturbed by parasites when they are not using them.
You should regularly spray the parasite and worm sprays, which are sold in places authorized to sell quality and bird products, under the wing, tail area and head of your budgerigar at regular intervals. With this spray, your bird will itch less. Another point to be considered in the care of a Czechoslovakian budgie is to protect their eyes while spraying the bird. Czechoslovakian budgies have very sensitive eyes. When these details are taken into consideration, baby and adult budgies live for 10 years without any problems. Czechoslovakian budgies are trouble-free, friendly birds that establish a good relationship with their owner.